Orange Race : Alicia Keys meets Crazy Christo
Chief Crazy Captain Christo is rummaging through his
schedule for 2012 and notices that Alicia Keys is hitting her stride. In his
greatest appearance of this year, the Good Chief Crazy Captain Christo has set
aside this day to get in contact with the suite songstress Alicia Keys. He
disguises himself as The O-Range Blob of Light. Only this time, he throws in a
NING. So to get my readers up to speed, it is pronounced The O-Range Blob of
Lightnin G. It really can't be described because it has to be experienced.
Alicia Keys is about to become experienced. Her name has been changed to ALIKE
because I don't know her well enough to say ALOVE. So without further
adulations, I bring you the conversation between Chief Crazy Captain Christo
and Alicia Keys. Alicia is on stage at one of her brilliant concerts when a
blinding O-Range light casually appears before her.
ALIKE: " Awwright who's got the orange light shinin in
my face. Please stop! I can't see the keys on my piano. Oh wow this isn't
happening to me. I'm going blind like Stevie Wonder. "
O-Range Blob of Lightnin G: " Relax Alicia. It is only
me. I am Chief Crazy Captain Christo. I have been sent here by my higher power
whom I like to call The Great One. Everyone else knows him as The Great
Pumpkin. "
ALIKE: " You mean the Charles Schultz, Lucy pulls the
football on Charlie Brown, Linus waits all night in the field with what's her
name... uh uh..."
O-Range Blob of Lightnin G: " Charlie's little sister
Sally Brown"
ALIKE: " Yeah Yeah Yeah, that one. So what on Earth are
you doing on my stage while I am in the middle of a concert in front of 29,000
people who paid good money to see me sing my songs. I don't have time for this
man. Please get off my stage."
As soon as she said that The O-Range Blob of Lightnin G
transported Ms. Alicia Keys to another dimension in time. In the blink of an
eye, Alicia Keys was in Omaha Nebraska. She was no longer on stage where she is
the most comfortable. This time and for the first time in The Great Pumpkin
Letter history, time went backwards to the 1800's . Alicia Keys was frightened
out of her wits. She was on a stagecoach going through Omaha Nebraska.
ALIKE: " Please Chief Crazy Captain Christo, please
take me back. I don't want to look. It is too painful."
O-Range Blob of Lightnin G: " Alicia look at me. If I
take you back to your comfort zone, will you do me a favor."
ALIKE: " Yes anything you ask anything. Just get me out
of here. Please Chief I am begging you. What do you want me to do?"
O-Range Blob of Lightnin G: " Two things really. First
thing is to help me get the word out about building an Orange Circle of Light
during the Orange Race. It is really a huge undertaking and I will need your
help. Second, and this is the most important part. Would you come up on stage
with me and help me sing a song for all those particiapating in the Orange Race?
Those are the two things that would mean the most to me and if ever I needed
help would you consider doing these things?"
ALIKE: " Yes, I will do that! Whew, for a minute there
I thought you were going to say something else. Hey Chief Crazy Captain
Christo. Why did you take me back to Omaha Nebraska in the 1800's. That was the
most terrifying stagecoach ride I have ever been on. And what does this have to
do with The Great Pumpkin?"
O-Range Blob of Lightnin G: " Well Ms Keys, I am so
glad you asked. But this one defies any explanation. How long did it take you
to go from being on stage at your concert to where I just took you?'
ALIKE: " I don't know maybe a couple of minutes"
O-Range Blob of Lightnin G: " Exactly! Happy Halloween in
advance Alicia. See you later!"
And with that Chief Crazy Captain Christo safely returned
Alicia Keys to her adoring fans. But what
was it that frightened Alicia Keys? And who was surrounding her stage coach in
Stay Tuned for more to come!
Respectfully in TRUTH

Author Christo Strom
Sole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels
Head of Angel Promotions
P.S. Orange Race needs Women Artists in the Summer of 2012
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