Richard Branson: 78 Chances till Ophelia-An Excerpt from The Great Pumpkin Letters
Chief Crazy Captain Christo was pond daring the existence of the British fascination with
the word SIR. You see in America, the term SIR has a completely different meaning. It is not
bestowed upon you by a Queen. Nor is it to be taken lightly. SIR, to the Good Chief Crazy Captain
Christo, is a title of respect that is earned by a little thing called DISCIPLINE. The other day, Chief Crazy Captain Christo had the immensely good fortune of having a little fun with someone walking and flying around the planet known as Sir Richard Branson. Here is the exact conversation that was recorded on July 18th 2009. Richard Branson is shown here as SIRI BRA to protect his ego! He was on a flight over the Atlantic when he looked out of the window and saw an eery O-Range Blob of Light.
SIRI BRA: “ Stewardess, is it just me or is there an O-Range Blob of Light on the wing of our plane. It looks like he is skateboarding on a halp pipe with three feet of vertical playing a Dimebag Electric Razorback Explosion guitar with a brass slide. Tell him to come in at once. He's scaring the HE double toothpicks outta me and he's not supposed to deflate my ego!”
O-Range Blob of Light:” SIRI BRA, is that you? Wow it is you. Hey you look a lot older in prison er I mean person.”
SIRI BRA,to the pilot of the plane, “ Captain! Please divert our plane back to England. We seem to have an unwanted guest on our flight who needs to get off immediately.” Turning to the O-Range Blob of Light, SIRI BRA continued:” Look! I don't know who you are or where you came from but you are going to be led away in handcuffs when we reach Scotland Yard! Who the HELL are you?”
Chief Crazy Captain Christo felt sorry for Billionaire Branson. For the first time in his life, Chief Crazy Captain Christo felt sorry for a rich person. So the Good Chief did what any American would do! He slapped Richard to attention.
O-Range Blob of Light-” Attention! SIRI BRA, my name is Chief Crazy Captain Christo and I have come to ROCK the world. When we get to Scotland Yard you tell them to stand down and I will let you live. Anything else will be career suicide for you SIRI BRA.”
Laughing hysterically SIRI BRA exclaimed, “ You are absoulutely mad! Did you drink some mushroom tea with the Queen?”
O-Range Blob of Light-” SIRI BRA, you are insulting my intelligence! Now I must do what I told myself I would never do. OK here it is SIRI BRA. You only have 78 Chances till Ophelia. You have 78 chances till you are erased from The Book of Pumpkins.”
SIRI BRA-” 78 chances or I'll be erased from what? A bloody book that has never been written! Let me tell you something Chief. You are on my plane and when we get to Scotland Yard, you will be arrested and charged with interfering with air travel and I will make sure the charges stick and you spend the rest of your bloody days in confinement.”
O-Range Blob of Light- “ Before you go I have two requests. One is don't open this O-Range letter till January 2010. The other request is could you have the visiting warden at Scotland Yard be Angus. Remember SIRI, 78 Chances.”
When the plane arrived at Scotland Yard, big beefy security types met SIRI BRA and hauled Chief Crazy Captain Christo away in what could only be described as Prison Heaven. The loud speakers bellowed out strains of AC/DCs For Those About To Rock” SIRI BRA stared at the speeding chauffeur driven limousine and wondered to himself, “ What did that chief mean about 78 chances. He must be crazy if he thinks I am going to heed anything he says. I am Sir Richard Branson and I bow to no Americans!
On a wing and a prayer floated the immortal words of Chief Crazy Captain Christo, “ Think again Dick!” SIRI BRA was inflamed! Stay tuned America! In July 2010 you will find out what was written on the O-Range letter handed to SIRI BRA.
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