James Earl Jones: The Introduction of M-USAFA: An Excerpt from The Great Pumpkin Letters
Chief Crazy Captain Christo was reflecting on his life that started sometime between September 1877 and October 1892. ( Author's note: The exact dates are kind of hazy so if you see Chief Crazy Captain Christo don't argue with him. He knows a lot of different spells!) But on this one particular day in the summer of 2009, the Good Chief Crazy Captain Christo was reflecting not on his own life but that of one special actor named James Earl Jones. You see, Chief Crazy Captain Christo is a huge fan of Field of Dreams. That movie with Kevin Costner and James Earl Jones about building a stadium. But Chief Crazy Captain Christo also loved the Disney animated movie The Lion King where James Earl Jones voiced the ill fated father figure Musafa. The Good Chief saw that film about 158 times. You see the Good Chief's son, who was introduced in the piece about Sarah Palin, in a cleverly disguised word called Palindrome. His son's name is drome. Or Doctor Owe Me depending on how you can relate to Father and Son.
So back to James Earl Jones. On this particular fine sunny day, Chief Crazy Captain Christo decided to put two and two together to go forth with his plan. He disguised himself as The O-Range Blob of Light and went off seeking the Great James Earl Jones! We interrupt the conversation in progress....James Earl Jones can be read as JARL J ONE
O-Range Blob of Light-” Me and Mrs Jones were just discussing you Earl. And she told me you don't play the lead role in My Name is Earl. “
J.ARL J.ONE-” SILENCE! Who are you and what do you want with my wife?”
O-Range Blob of Light-” Mufasa, you're Home! Great, Please allow me to introduce myself. I am
Chief Crazy Captain Christo and I have a production number for you if you choose to help out. I need you to be the narrator of a short film I am going to produce called “ M-USAFA”
J.ARL J.ONE-” SILENCE! My title character in the hit Disney animated film was named M-U-F-A-S-A. Mufasa”
O-Range Blob of Light-” Easy Big Dawg! I know very well your character's name as I watched it exactly one hundred and fifty eight times with my son drome.”
J.ARL J.ONE “ SILENCE, Look at the STARS....”
O-Range Blob of Light- “ Yeah I know Billions of Balls of Gas Blah Blah Blah. Now if you will just SILENCE I can explain the character of M-USAFA. OK Earl?”
J.ARL.J.ONE-” If you build it, they will come!”
O-Range Blob of Light-” Yeah, so you know what I am up to then huh Earl? I am going to try to gather together some influential people together on July 9th 2010 down in Omaha Nebraska. There I will be unveiling a plan to build a Thea-Tree-House. You know where cats known as musicians and friends can get together and jam. It will be for one little girl who has yet to be named, you know player to be named at a later date. But for the introduction of M-USAFA
J.ARL.J.ONE-” SILENCE!You know what don't tell me. I'll guess that you are building this Thea Tree House for one special girl because you want to introduce the world to your grandfather and father through the well thought out and intensely private affair of your family. You are using the imagery of Mufasa and turning it into M-USAFA to honor your grandfather BEAN and your father ohh what's his name. Oh holy hair ball what's his name?
O-Range Blob of Light- “ It begins with a B”
J.ARL.J.ONE-” SILENCE! I know what it begins with. His name is ROCK and you want to incorporate Mexican jumping BEANS on a ROCK .
O-Range Blob of Light-” You're getting colder , Mufasa you are dying here! I'll have to write a different Pumpkin letter dealing directly with M-USAFA. Thanks EARL! You've been a great help. I can see I need some character building strategies. Hey Earl one last thing, Do you have any Chalk to write with? You know so I can write and rewrite.
But there was no movement this time from James Earl Jones. It was then that Chief Crazy Captain Christo realized he had fallen asleep at the new Lion King wax museum in Arkabutla, Mississippi and missed the bus back home. Oh well, there's a nice young man waiting at the bus stop. Maybe he can help with the story line. Chief Crazy Captain Christo went up and introduced himself.
“ Life is like a box of chocholates......” His name for an upcoming edition of The Great Pumpkin Letters is none other than FO.GU.GU.( Forest Gumpty Gump) Stay tuned!
P.S. (that's Pumpkin Script) If you would like to donate to a worthy cause, Chief Crazy Captain Christo recommends you click on the title up above, just click on James Earl Jones-Introduction of M-USAFA. Thank you and may God bless and keep you always!
Respectfully in TRUTH,
Author Christo Strom
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