Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Jesus, Crazy , Jobs with PAP oChristo

Jesus, Crazy , Jobs with PAP oChristo

In the most outrageous Great Pumpkin Letter to date, Chief
Crazy Captain Christo has called an emergency council meeting
of the Past Pumpkin Healers together to decide what to do with
the former Apple Boss Steve Jobs. 

For those of you who are just coming out of a coma, Steve Jobs
recently passed away and is now residing in Pumpkin Ville and is
feeling a little bit lost.  You see, Mr. Jobs thought he was going to
be in Apple Heaven after he died.  He has been down in the dumps
for days on end and has even been heard to say about Pumpkin Ville,

“ And one more thing, this totally bytes.  Pumpkin Ville should be
completely wiped off the map.  If this was like Silicon Valley, I’d
show them one more thing or two!!!”

It was at the moment Steve Jobs said bytes that Chief Crazy Captain
Christo sprung into action.  Calling on the Past Pumpkin Healers, he
sent the message through the air to Jesus and Crazy Horse to meet
in the CENTER of PUMPKIN VILLE.  Once seated, the two GREATEST
PUMPKIN HEALERS of all time, Jesus and Crazy Horse confronted
Steve Jobs on his lack of emotion on being a part of Pumpkin Ville.
Jesus and Crazy Horse waited for Chief Crazy Captain Christo to arrive
on his Orange and Black Fast Tracker Truck Skateboard.  The two
pumpkin healers could only grin as they saw the cloud of dust that
would have made Pigpen proud.  Racing straight down the hill in a
bonzai stance, Chief Crazy Captain Christo was the picture of pure
insanity.  Reaching speeds of over 800 miles per hour, yes you read
that right 800 Miles per hour, he slowly put on the air brakes and
came to a complete stop.  Everyone, including Steve Jobs, marveled
at the calm, cool and collected nature of Chief Crazy Captain Christo.

Giving a high five to the GREAT PUMPKIN, Chief Crazy Captain Christo
looked around and stated, 

So this is the great Saint Stephen

Now for the conversation between Chief Crazy Captain Christo, Jesus,
Crazy Horse and Steve Jobs.  For this conversation, Jesus’ name has
been changed to FAITH, Crazy Horse’s name has been changed to
HOPE, Chief Crazy Captain Christo’s name has been changed to
ORANGE DUDE and Steve Jobs name has been changed to
 CRAPPLE.  Enjoy the show!!!


CRAPPLE : idemand to know why Apple is not celebrated here in
Pumpkin Ville.  I worked all my life trying to make life easier for
people on Earth with the iMac, the iPad, the iTunes, the iPhone.
Here you morons, take a look at my speech at Stanford.”

It was after Steve Jobs ( aka CRAPPLE ) had his say, that JESUS
spoke thus,

FAITH : idemanded nothing of you CRAPPLE yet you insisted on
thinking different.   Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that
watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they
see his shame.

HOPE : FAITH, ibelieve that was my line.  I’m the thief here remember.
I am the thief of one hundred horses.  Come on FAITH get with the program

ORANGE DUDE : FAITH, HOPE is right.  Remember FAITH and HOPE why icalled
us all together.  Steve Jobs deserves an answer as to why he is crashing
every night in PUMPKIN VILLE.  He has no clue as to why PUMPKIN VILLE
even exists.  iam counting on you FAITH and HOPE to give CRAPPLE the
answer he is seeking.

CRAPPLE : Enough with the FAITH HOPE and CRAPPLE name calling. Why
cant’t you call us by our real names. My name is Steve Jobs and iran Apple.
isee Jesus and Crazy Horse and you Chief Crazy Captain Christo.,

WHO ARE YOU? Who who who who?

ORANGE DUDE : FAITH and HOPE, ican see this is going to take longer than
ithought.  it is time for drastic action.  Release the iperfection quota in
rounds of 360,000 and let Mr. CRAPPLE in on the greatest Halloween
legend ever produced.  It is called the PAP oCHRISTo

in Unison both FAITH and HOPE chimed in iiCaptain.  For FAITH and HOPE
knew that Mr.CRAPPLE  still had a lot of pent up apprehension about landing
in Pumpkin Ville.

After all, everyone on Earth just lost their JOBS.  But the voices in
Pumpkin Ville all chimed in to make an exquisite bright ORANGE iSing on
the Cake Cloud as they sang to Mr CRAPPLE

iCan see candy now the pain is gone
iCan see all Pumpkin Pies in my way.

It was when Steve Jobs looked around and opened his eyes FOR REAL
in Pumpkin Ville that he exclaimed ,

CRAPPLE :  iCare is all around me here. HMM,
maybe Chief Crazy Captain Christo isn’t such an iCLOD after all.  What did
he say his name was the ORANGE DUDE. 

After Steve Jobs got over his iNITIAL shock of being in Pumpkin Ville he
decided that he really did have a lot more to learn about LIFE and LOVE
that he didn’t even know existed.  Chief Crazy Captain Christo left
Jesus, Crazy Horse and Steve Jobs in Pumpkin Ville to iRON out some
more details.  Those three are going to be busy for awhile as they will
be working together , hmm iDON’T know, probably for iNFINITY times
three to get PUMPKIN VILLE ready for the next iPARTY Pooper to come
through.  As Chief Crazy Captain Christo was leaving Pumpkin Ville, he
remembered why he left.  He was determined to find PENELOPE CRUZ
come hell or high water.

Stay tuned to see if Chief Crazy Captain Christo ever finds the one and

iRespectfully in iTRUTH,

@DianeSawyer @LadyGaga These are my Crazy Good Gang Signs, th... on Twitpic Sweet Tooth before #Halloween Rush! Orange Dreamsickle  on Twitpic Christo Strom's #Halloween #Grateful Greeting => Reac... on Twitpic

iAuthor Christo Strom
iSole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels

P.S. On a much lighter ( and ORANGE ) note, if you are interested
in forming the CIRCLE OF LIGHT , the Orange Race will be running
in four states oHOPEFULLYo in 2012.  Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska and
Colorado.  Health and Wealth . See you there!

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