Gavin Law: G. P. ONE FOUR ONE KNOW- An Excerpt from The Great Pumpkin Letters
Chief Crazy Captain Christo takes time out to grieve for a child he has yet to meet. It is one of the saddest stories ever. Brace yourself and reach for the sky. Don't forget the tissues. This without a doubt is a call to my higher power. With all the strength of 2000 Daniels, Chief Crazy Captain Christo is barring the flood gates. This is Gavin Law's Official Great Pumpkin Letter for 2010. In order to understand Gavin Law, here is a short run down of his short time here in Minnesota. Gavin was born with a rare birth disorder that I can't pronounce but it is spelled mitochondriopathy( I hope it is spelled right:) Here it is explained in a nut shell. His little body could not grow. After nine months in pain, he passed away on January 4th 2010.
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I first learned of Gavin Law after watching KTSP Channel Five's Bill Lunn and Leah McLean introduce Susanna Song. She told the story of Gavin Law and I just lost it. It broke the Heart of Chief Crazy Captain Christo but the Spirit will never be broken. Here in it's excruciatingly painful prayer request is Chief Crazy Captain Christo standing before The Great Pumpkin in the sky with his prayer request for Gavin Law. Chief Crazy Captain Christo is on his knees before The Great Pumpkin and he waits for The Great One to call him forward.
With a slight wink of his left eye, The Great One ( author's note: The Great One is The Great Pumpkin) motions for Chief Crazy Captain Christo to rise up and speak his mind. Without stopping to dry his eyes and with the tears a flowing, Chief Crazy Captain Christo rises and speaks ( for Gavin)
For this conversation , Chief Crazy Captain Christo is known as T-REX because whenever a sad story like this one hits him in the face, he needs tissues and he's like a two shipwrecks in the night. The Great Pumpkin is going to be known in this piece as G's LAW.
T-REX: " Oh Great One, I stand before you sober as a judge and with no boos or no tricks. Just a simple
request for one who never had a chance. I stand before you to ask you to make the life of Gavin Law a call to action for EVERYONE. He had such a short life and it pains me to say this but he never had a chance to experience what it feels like to GROW. I ask that you bring peace to his parents on Earth and to remind me everday of your Willingness to GROW. You of all beings should know that without GROWTH one cannot SEEK. How would you like it if no one could SEEK you? You would be nothing more than a Fabrication of Truth.
G's LAW: " Chief Crazy Captain Christo. Stop before you injure yourself. I have already thought of that. I have decided to take your words of wisdom and from now on in Pumpkin Ville, there will be a name change. I have taken Gavin George Law's name for the time being. You might want to take notes Chief Crazy Captain Christo. First off, the letter G shall be elevated over Seven times. You shall contact all the stars of the movie Nine. Every last one of them. You shall meet in Omaha Nebraska on July 9th 2010 to discuss the building of a Theatre Tree House. I noticed in your past Pumpkin Letters that you only were building for a little American Girl. Well , this is your American Boy. I know who the American Girl is and looks like you are doing a great job of keeping it quiet. The American Boy is with me now and he is safe. Tell Gavin's parents what I have told you. Wait I am not finished. From now on Pumpkin Ville shall be known as Pumpkin Vine. The SEVENTH LAW of Pumpkin Vine will be known as Gavin's Law or G'S LAW. Gavin George Law. I will hold you accountable Chief Crazy Captain Christo to keep holy the G's LAW. Thank you for remembering and as always Chief Crazy Captain Christo, don't let the Door hit you where the Good Lord split you. Hey here take this with you."
T-REX:" What is this?"
G's LAW: " It is called HOPE and FAITH. Take it with you and give it to Gavin's parents. Form a fantastic stadium and when you sing a song at a concert for GAVIN sometime after the stadium is built, please do not forget to invite Gavin's parents and the whole Channel Five ensemble to hear you sing Gavin's Song. Ok Chief ok then you can go. Now remember Chief BE GOOD!
T-REX: " Happy O-Range Limelight Ya-hulaversaille Bringing In Baby Law Everone"
G's LAW: " Thank you for remembering to leave the Limelight on for Gavin. Now go and make like the O-Range Blob of Light that you are. Ride like the Winding O-Range Red Lightning Divine
Intermission-: This has been an abbreviated version of The Great Pumpkin Letters in honor of:
Gavin George Law : April 3, 2009- January 4th 2010.
Apple Valley , Minnesota